The Next Chapter of our STORY

Story Church,

God is writing the next chapter of our story. After much prayer and conversation with our leadership team, architects, coffee shop owners, other churches and friends of Story, we sense God leading us to step out in faith and stewardship by moving into a new facility and opening a coffee shop, Story Time Coffee Co.

After 2 wonderful years at the Hall of Fame, we feel it is time to have a launching pad for our movement; a place we can call our own. While The Hall has been an incredible place for our worship gatherings, our Story Kids and Story Tots have had to make due with meeting in a sports museum. We believe we can provide something that meets their needs and serves our families better. Yet, in keeping with our vision, any facility we utilize must fulfill the purpose of serving the community as well. We refuse to have a facility that sits empty the other 6 days of the week. After all, one of our core values is MOVEMENT: We value movement over locale; a people on mission, sent from one location.

We are proposing an approximate $110,000 to $130,000 (edited 10/1/18) build-out and furnishing of 3 units in the Jamestown Plaza at 203 Jamestown Boulevard, Rogersville, MO. We will lease those 3 units on a 3-5 year agreement with The Source Ministries Inc. who own the facilities. The Source will be creating an “Event Center” called “The Honor Co.” with a seating capacity of 210 people. We will rent this space on Sundays, much like our current arrangement with the Hall of Fame.

Story Time Coffee Co. will be an environment that encourages a sense of community for the people of Rogersville, MO; a place where people can come and escape the daily stresses of life. A comfortable place to meet friends, family or clients, read a good book, and of course, enjoy a great cup of coffee. With the growing demand for high-quality gourmet coffee and great service, Story Time Coffee Co. will provide this need for the Rogersville Community. This will be a coffee shop that is not only a place to get great coffee, but also a destination.

Here’s a snapshot:

  • Unit “K” will house Story Time Coffee Co., a gourmet coffee shop that will operate as a non-profit business under the umbrella of Story Church Inc. It will be open Monday through Saturday. On Sunday, it will serve as the lobby for Story Church. On Sunday Evening it will become the home of Story Youth.

  • Units “I” and “J” will be the “Event Center/The Honor Co.” owned by The Source Ministries Inc. and will be rented by Story Church for our Sunday Worship Gatherings.

  • Units “G” and “H” will be the Ministry Center for Story Church including: Reception Area, Story Kids, Story Tots, Office space, Storage and Community Pantry.

We believe this will address our 3 most pressing needs. We will be adding:

  1. A “Tent-making ministry” Coffee Shop that serves our community every day of the week, with the potential of raising funds to support our mission.

  2. A suitable space for Story Youth/Kids/Tots.

  3. A ministry home for the church.

This will allow us the space to minister to the de-churched and the broken-hearted as well as the new incoming residents moving into the area. It will provide an discipleship space for our children to learn and grow. We will broaden our ability to serve our community, not just on Sundays but throughout the week by creating a space the community of Rogersville has been asking for.

How can you help?  

  • First, please PRAY. We want to continue to walk in alignment with God.

  • Second, please consider how you can contribute. Some of the infill will be completed by our church and friends of our church on a volunteer basis. Some of you have the skills and experience to help us. New teams are forming as our ministry expands. Seek God concerning your involvement.

  • Third, please consider how much you can financially commit. We need to raise as much of the $110,000+ as soon as possible. We want to be good stewards and avoid a paying too much interest on a loan payment. We currently have around $60,000 designated to spend, plus a build-out allowance from the landlord, leaving $50-70,000 to raise or borrow. We would love to raise that amount before the construction loan is converted to a conventional loan.

As a partner of Story Church, we are asking you to prayerfully consider what you can contribute. For some, it will simply be a matter of continuing in the faithfulness of your monthly support to Story Church. For others, it might be time to begin making a monthly contribution to support our movement. And yet others will be able to contribute a designated amount to the “Building Fund” above their regular giving to Story as a lump sum or spread it out in monthly gifts. Please do not substitute this gift with your current giving; We appreciate your faithful giving to the ongoing ministry of the church.

Hopefully, this information is helpful in describing our need and how your family might contribute. We only ask that you remain in step with 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Please don’t give in any other manner. We want this to be your joy.

Please pray, consider, and commit to what you can do to help. You can give directly to the “Building Fund” through Text-To-Give and through our online giving system. Online giving can be done through our website by clicking this link. Or Text "give" to (417) 296-9662 and you will be directed to the page. You can make a "One Time" or "Recurring" contribution. Once you have entered your information (bank account or credit/debit card) you will be able to simply text the amount you want to give to this number and use the keyword "BUILDINGFUND".

Your generosity is paving the way for our Jesus movement to endure to the ends of the world with this Love Story.

In Jesus Name and for His Glory,
Story Church Leadership Team

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