Wednesday/The Touch of Holy Week – John 13:3-17; Isaiah 53
When Peter heard Jesus’ plan for going into Jerusalem, he rebuked him saying, “No Lord, I won’t let this happen to you.” (Matthew 16:21-23) Peter couldn’t see this through the Kingdom filter. So during their dinner in Jerusalem on Thursday, Jesus continued to tell them what was about to happen. Everyone knew that Jerusalem was a dangerous place; they all knew their luck would eventually run out.
Jesus knew he was called to serve and to suffer (Isaiah 53). No amount of comfort or logic could deter him from this pathway. But He also knew we would struggle to follow him in this way.
Tim Keller says, “If your agenda is the end, then Jesus is just the means. But if Jesus is the King, you cannot make him the means to an end.” – We cannot come to a King negotiating. We can only bow before a King and submit ourselves unto his service.
To drive this point home, before the meal, Jesus gets up, picks up a towel and basin and begins to wash his disciples’ feet.
Word: John 13:3-17
Jesus is modeling something for us. He’s giving us a pattern to follow.
Questions: How have we missed this? We have somehow omitted this from our family structure, our church structure, even our business structure. How?
“What I’ve done, you do.” This is obvious. Jesus established a pattern for us to follow. But here’s the deal, if we’re busy building our own kingdoms we will be filled with anxiety. But if we’re called to build a different kind of Kingdom then our primary role is to serve people at their point of need. Our eyes will be fixed on the brokenness around us. So it’s about getting off our own thrown, and letting God take his rightful place in our lives so that we can make a difference in the lives of others. That’s the great longing for the Story Church; that we will SERVE. Why? Because it will recalibrate our lives to His Kingdom
Experiential Suggestion: Reach out and touch like Jesus. In humility place someone else needs above your own. Observe an unmet need today and meet it.
Today, every time you wash your hands, let this remind you of what Jesus did in serving humanity.