Week Three: Joy
Reader: Today is the third Sunday of advent. The first Sunday we lit the candle of hope. The second Sunday we let the candle of love. Today we light the candle of joy as we remember God’s promise of joy. When Jesus was born He brought light into the world. There is peace and joy where there is light. When the world looks like a dark place, we can look to Jesus, the light of the world.
Light the first, second, and third candle
Read Luke 2:10-11
Sing: “Joy to the World”
Prayer: God, give us true joy this Christmas. We pray we would shine the light of Jesus each day during this busy season. Thank you for sending the Light into the world. Amen
Daily Family Activities:
- Monday- Read Isaiah 61:1-3. How does this passage bring joy to the people?
- Tuesday- Make an extra effort to smile today and be kind to others, regardless of how frazzled or exhausted this season can be at times. Your joy will be contagious.
- Wednesday- Bring a little joy to someone’s day today by letting them go in front of you, paying for their coffee, or doing a small favor for no reason.
- Thursday- Take time for yourself today to do something that brings you or your family joy. Watch a movie, go out for ice cream, have a dance party, or go see some Christmas lights!
- Friday- Think of something you or your family can do today to bring someone joy.